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Oliver North's Speech at Liberty (page 4)

"As you build your lives and dreams, don't forget about freedom … Remember those who would give anything to be in your place." He pleaded that it was time for them to give back to the nation. If not by actually serving the government, then by staying informed and voting for a congress that won't turn its back like it did in Vietnam. Through North's appeals to both emotion and logic, he was able instill a sense of patriotic obligation in the 1998 graduating class.
The purpose of Lt. Col. Oliver North's commencement speech was two fold: to explain his actions in the Iran-Contra scandal, and to motivate the graduating class to become American patriots. North did a spectacular job. Not only did he achieve these two goals, but he was able to throw in some comic relief as well. At one point, he made fun of his own haircut as being as extremely long for the marines. Rhetorically, North invented himself terrifically, and was able to capture the audience with his charisma and ethos. He used his ethos to win the audiences' hearts and minds, and then used pathos and logos to deliver his message.

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