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Improving Campus Life (page 4)

Peer-Mentoring Program

According to our survey, most students feel that a peer advising system would be extremely beneficial. It would allow students to get advise from people who have had first-hand experience in the major, weed out unneeded classes, and help choose electives in line with their interests. In a quote by a senior, "I was completely lost until I talked with an upper-classman in my major. She was able to tell me the little things that no faculty member would ever mention." This is even more helpful for students with multiple majors. Each major has complicated requirements, and when combining more than one, it is easy to get lost in the system. Therefore, talking to someone who has previously combined the same majors can help students not get lost in the system.

The peer-mentoring program can help combat these problems. The program will be set up in each department with student volunteers that have expressed interest and passed the application process. At the end of each year, rising juniors and seniors will be eligible to apply for the program. The application will consist of personal information and two short answer questions. The applicant will explain why he or she is interested in the program, and how the program could have benefited them. Although the aim of the program is to get as many interested students as possible, only those who demonstrate dedication and the ability to contribute sound advice will be admitted to the program. At the beginning of each school year, the student advisors will meet with a trained faculty member who will brief them on the technicalities of the major and give helpful hints on mentoring younger students.

Continue to page 5 of Improving campus Life