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Improving Campus Life (page 5)

The peer-mentoring program will not change the current system; it will simply enhance what is already in place. When a student enters as a freshman, they are arbitrarily assigned a faculty advisor who they are required to meet with before registering for classes. Once a major or majors are declared, the student chooses a new advisor within the major, and from that point on, it is the student's prerogative to contact the advisor with questions. A common problem with the current system is that students who double major have trouble simultaneously planning both majors. This is due to the fact that advisors do not have a working knowledge how two majors can efficiently fit together. For example, a single class could count for both majors as well as CPLE credit. This is extremely important when trying to graduate in four years while combining two majors. To help alleviate this problem, once the student declares a major and is assigned a faculty advisor, the student is given the opportunity to reach out to student mentors through a database referral system.

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