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Barely Got The Right To Choose (page 2)

One specific example of the media dominating the consciousness of our society almost past the point of choice was clearly illustrated by former head of the National Endowment for the Arts and current Vanderbilt professor Bill Ivey. He stated that only five authors were responsible for 63% of the fiction novels bought in the decade of the 90s (Crichton, King, Clancy, Steele, Grisham). This is by no means a literary critique; however, the numbers themselves are too staggering to ignore. Such numbers clearly indicate that our culture's dominant media avenues are clearly swaying the consciousness of the American people.

Clearly this is a problem that should be recognized; however, the logistics of a solution that does not backpedal our advancements is very complicated. Part of the reason for the current state of dominant media controlling consciousness is our own need for speed and efficiency, and it cannot be argued that both of these aspects are not currently at impressive levels. Thus, it would not be prudent to issue a plan of action that would tear away the structure that Americans themselves have built, but it would be prudent to warn of the realities of our dominant media avenues. As American's we must be aware of the limitations of our "free press" and not have it dominate our own consciousness.

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